SIA created a new LinkedIn group

Leontyne Anglin, Membership Director at Soroptimist International of the Americas created a new group on LinkedIn (with the Live Your Dream logo) on April 1, 2008. This group is a forum to discuss or answer questions from other members, share your experiences with people from all over SIA and post news.

SI-DAF member, Brooke, has joined the group. To find out more, visit and search for Soroptimist Inernational under groups.

Soroptimist Women’s Leadership Institute

We hope you are planning to attend the Soroptimist Women¹s Leadership Institute in Chicago, Illinois, July 3-4. This seminar, where Soroptimist’s exciting NEW Leadership Development Program will be unveiled, will be unlike any other.

It is open to ALL Soroptimists who have an interest in improving their personal and professional leadership skills.  Experienced and emerging leaders alike will be able to identify leadership strengths and areas for improvement and then personalize a program to enhance performance in career and community.

Attendance is limited to the first 400 so register today »

18th SI Convention: Glasgow, Scotland

Shirley McCoy attended conference this year from 29 July to 2 August 2007 in Glasgow, Scotland and there were over 1,500 Soroptimists who attended. Six white doves flew over the attendees as they ‘Stood for Peace’ in a 30-minute vigil on the last day.

Peace Vigil

Peace Vigil

The 136 flags of member countries formed a ring of delegates in white shirts for Peace. Words and poems of peace were read by leading Soroptimists who then heard peace campaigner and author Satish Kumar say:

  • Lead me from death to life, from falsehood to truth, from despair to hope, from fear to trust, from hate to love and from war to peace.
  • Let peace fill our hearts, our world, our universe.
  • Seek love, compassion, unity, beauty in our lives

Towards the end of the vigil, President Lynn, Immediate Past President Joan and the Presidents of the four Federations each released a dove from a white casket as a symbol of peace. It was very emotional for all present!

The conference also showcased the new SI tartan that was specially designed for the occasion, but is officially recognized by the Scottish Tartans Authority. The wool colours incorporate ancient blue, dark mauve (purple), black, white and dark gold (orange).

Official Soroptimist tartan

Official Soroptimist tartan